Posts Tagged ‘Murder’

“Don’t Pray For Oscar”

This past week South Africa and many people around the world have been shocked to the core. Another hero has seemingly fallen and many are dealing with emotions they don’t quite understand. Oscar Pistorious – ‘The Golden Boy of South African Athletics’ – as the foreign Press are putting it, has been accused of murdering his girlfriend in the early hours of Valentine’s Day. This week he will appear in court to oppose bail, which the State is calling for against a charge of premeditated murder. Reports are saying that he will be claiming innocence to the murder charge.

Oscar Pistorius-1711595

Almost immediately following the breaking of the news, social networks were abuzz with comments from many different quarters – and the comments continue to flow in. While many are sympathetic to all parties involved I have noticed more and more people making totally insensitive comments regarding the matter. As is most times the case when someone has ‘fallen’ there has been a barrage of jokes circulating making reference to Oscar’s physical disabilities. The same thing happened following Michael Jacksons death, Tiger Woods’ ‘fall’ and Lance Armstrongs’ confession that he had been lying about using performance enhancing drugs to win – as well as many others. Why are we like this? Is it a way to handle the shock that comes with such a story? Is it a nervous reaction when we realize that we too could fall in the same way? Do we feel somewhat superior because we haven’t ‘sinned’ in the same way? I don’t know the answer. All I do know is that it comes across as repulsive to think that following the cruel death of someone – irrespective of what the circumstances were – people can find the time to ridicule the supposed perpetrator and make silly references to a handicap which he has overcome. Last year the world was in awe of him as he triumphed at the Olympic Games despite his disabilities. How fickle we are…

Yesterday I was particularly troubled by comments to a report I read in the Press. Apparently Oscar asked for a Minister to pray for him in his holding cell. A local news site reported on it and the comments flowed…. This is an extract from the report:

“According to a police source, Pistorius requested a minister to pray for him in his cell. “I saw her (the minister) with her hands on his head praying for him”.” (

A number of people commented to the effect that he is not deserving of prayer at all. One commented that the only prayer they have is that he ‘rots in jail’. How sad. Yes, he may have committed an awful crime (as yet unproven) – the worst kind – but there is forgiveness for him as well. That is what God is all about. That is what Grace is all about. To say that he is not deserving of Prayer tells me that someone making such a comment has no understanding of who God is. It tells me they have no relationship with God. We are all sinners and none of us deserve the forgiveness he shows toward us (if we ask for it). Sin is sin in God’s eyes and whether we steal a paperclip at work or murder someone, it is viewed in the same way by God. I do not believe that in His eyes there are ‘degrees of sin’. We judge so easily when we ourselves are guilty of so much on so many different levels. Have you ever stolen? Have you ever lusted? Have you ever harbored unkind thoughts? Reeva Steenkamps family must be going through a very tough time and it must be very difficult for them to be feeling any sort of compassion for Oscar at the moment – but God looks on all sides with love and compassion in His eyes. He will wipe away the tears and over time give the Peace they are requiring – if they look to him. And the same goes for you and me . While Oscar has not yet been proven guilty of anything, so many are giving up on him and standing in judgement.

Imagine if God gave up on you… Do you deserve the love He has for you?