The Gap – 7 Years Old

It was 7 years ago today that The Gap was born. It was 2005. In May we had held a Lay Witness Mission at our Church and during the weekend a need was identified for a Youth Group where the teenagers in our Church could get together on a weekly basis to discover more about themselves and what it meant to be a Christian. One of our senior teens had shared openly with me that weekend about his struggles and my heart went out to him and together we decided to start planning a youth group. The four young people who were there that night met together when the adults broke into their discussion groups and we began talking about what form the group would take. They were the founding members of The Gap.


(Back) Haiden Eales
(Front From Left) Taygen Fisher, Nicole Greenwood, Kyle Clack.

Over the next few months we met regularly to convert the garage at Church into the ‘Youth Room’. Parents got involved and helped to design a logo. Furniture and curtains were donated and a work party was put together to decorate the garage prior to its opening.




On 5 August 2005 we held our first meeting. Friday nights would never be the same again. Over the next two years we spent quality time laughing, crying and learning together. Great fun was had. A lot of tears were shed. Mistakes were made by the group and also by me. There were great victories as well. Over the time many young people came into a relationship with Jesus. There was a lot of trust in our group and over the time great friendships were made. This was the group that met on the first Friday evening.


The First Meeting Of ‘The Gap’

As time went on, the group evolved, as people got older, moved on, left school, went to university, got engaged etc. The group dissolved and then started up again a few times, each time with a new set of members and then finally about two years back now stopped meeting on a Friday night. The Gap has never ‘closed’ as such but at the moment, there are not enough High School students in our Church to warrant the group. Perhaps it will start up again next year as the younger members of our Sunday School move into High School.

At the height of the groups existence, when we were seeing an attendance of up to 30 on a Friday night, I learnt a great deal about the many challenges today’s younger generation face. Amongst the group there were those who struggled with drug related issues, eating disorders, sexual identity problems, teenage pregnancies, problems with parents etc. There were times when I got it right as a leader. There were times when I got it horribly wrong. What I do know is that every one of those young people will always hold a very special place in my heart. Many of them have gone on to have a very close walk with Jesus. Others have drifted far. I do believe though that important seeds were planted in those years and commitments were made to God at one time or another by every one who was a part of the group. Those seeds may only be watered at some time in the future. God took those commitments seriously…

If you were a part of The Gap and are reading this post – leave a message to share what it meant to you.

Many more photo’s can be found at these links:


The Gap 2006


A Commitment Made To One Another

One Response to “The Gap – 7 Years Old”

  • Vicky Greene says:

    There really were some special times at Gap shared with some very special people. I often think back of all the good times we had and the way we shared and grew together. It will always be a special memory. I pray that the other young people will be able to experience some of the things we did and learn and grow together with Christ by their side.

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